We partner with a wide-variety of organizations and people who are interested in learning how to retain neurodiverse employees with different learning styles. Our clients include:

  • For-profit organizations and non-profit organizations.

  • Single-location businesses to national organizations.

  • Human Resource Professionals and/or Teams

  • Training managers and Organizational Development managers.

  • Senior-level department directors.

However, they all have one thing in common: a genuine interest in making a difference in their organization by demonstrating the value of skilled employees who have disclosed an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD, Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, Nonverbal Learning Disorder). 

We’d like to help you increase neurodiverse talent engagement and retention.  To get started, ask yourself if any of these statements are true for you.

  • We employ people with a highly specialized skill set. Because of the economic downturn, we are even more concerned about retaining talent.  

  • We have employees who have the skills to meet and even exceed job expectations, but who struggle with fitting into the 'social culture' of the workplace. 

  • An employee has disclosed an ASD/Autism/Asperger's/Nonverbal Learning Disorder diagnosis, and we have no idea what accommodations we can make to help him/her be more successful.   

  • We have hired an employee who has not disclosed a diagnosis, but we think he or she may be living on the autism spectrum.  

  • We want to train our Managers and HR Team to be sensitive to different learning styles and neurodiversity in the workplace.


Are you a good candidate for next level asd?

Clients are more likely to work successfully with us if the leadership of their organization:

  • Values people.  Your leaders believe that employees have something of value to share and that people genuinely want to make a contribution.

  • Commits to personal excellence.  Your leaders are focused on the excellence they can develop in themselves in order to bring out the best in the people of the organization. 

  • Believes in possibilities.  Your leaders are not stuck in what has been, trapped by limiting beliefs or reluctant to try something new.  Your leaders believe that change is possible and approach problems with an optimistic attitude.       

  • Is curious.   Your leaders are life-long learners and see each situation as an opportunity to learn something new.  Your leaders have an open-minded approach that there is always something more to learn.

Diverse employees bring new skills and perspective to a business – and can make it more welcoming to a broader range of customers. Hiring people with disabilities is good for business.
— Michelle Stilwell, Minister of Social Development and Social Innovation